Well, after the initial rush, some other orders trickled in, and I quickly found myself overwhelmed. I am SO pleased that other people have enjoyed my idea, and can appreciate hand made items. I feel like its so much more worthwhile than a plastic toy made in China. But they do take a good chunk of my time and I definitely want to be consistent about what I produce! It just would have been nice if the people that promoted my shop could have given me a warning! Lol
Thankfully I'm caught up, just in time to catch up with all the work related paperwork I put off to finish my orders! I hate paperwork anyway, and it was a convenient excuse to procrastinate on my least favorite work duty. I just need to spend a few days buckling down to remove this looming cloud of guilt and dread.
In the meantime, I've been working in re-branding my shop. Formerly hornsofdestruction, because my old user name was forced as the official shop name, I had titled my shop "Crafty Gamer Girl" thinking I would focus on game items. My crafting has been much more eclectic, and hornsofdestruction was never intentional. So I recently chose the name Blue Milk Crafts, due to my love of Star Wars. Luke Skywalker drinks bantha milk in Episode IV, which is naturally blue...the more you know...I hope that tidbit helps someone win at Trivial Pursuit one day!
Thus far, I've made a craft email (bluemilkcrafts@gmail.com), ordered new business cards, and made a new, simple shop banner. It's a good start! I might try twitter again, but we shall see! All of the shop progress may need to go on hold in January if I get accepted into the post-masters program I've applied to.
When I think about the future a few months ahead, I get hesitant and unsure. I don't know where I'm going, following a few breadcrumb trails at the same time. It's easy to become overwhelmed. I'm trying to keep an open mind, stay grounded, and maintain my mental and physical wellness...and I think that's all any of us can do when things start to overwhelm us!
“All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost."
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost."
~Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring