Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Taking a break!

I feel the need to break from this blog for a little bit.  I'm going to leave it up and running, and I'll likely come back to it from time to time.  I have not had a lot of time to craft or cook or garden, and I don't have the motivation to write.  I wish I did...but I can't force it.

For now, you can find me on Tumblr, or as I like to call it, "blogging for people with short attention spans".  Tumblr is a great site though.  It allows you to easily connect with people who share the same interests as you, giggle over fandom jokes, and ogle beautiful people/places/things in your feed.   Here it is, come on over and have some fun with me.

I'm also on Facebook for my crafting:  Crafty Gamer Girl (Hornsofdestruction)  Officially, my shop name is Hornsofdestruction because it was my original username.  I have never wanted it as the official shop name....I'm looking at changing it, so if you've got suggestions feel free to comment.  I need ideas, since a lot of what I tried was already taken.

Ok, now you know where to find me.  I'll still keep posting random things when the urge strikes so stay tuned.  :D

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Back to Busy for an Introvert

As usual, back to work means less free time, but I also feel like my personal life has been hectic this year.  I'm noticing that during the last 6 months, there have been more family and friend obligations than I have had in a long time.  When you're an introvert, it's hard to not have enough quiet time or alone time.  One event is fine, but if a few social events pile up without a break, it starts to wear me out.

I find that there are a lot of misconceptions of what the word "introvert" really means.  Many people have a tendency to use it synonymously with the words antisocial, awkward, and shy.  I am none of those things.  Of course introversion will manifest itself differently with every person...life is on a continuum and there are varying degrees between extremes.  There are introverts that are ALSO socially awkward, antisocial, and shy...or any combination of those traits.  However, there are also extroverts that are all of these things or a combination of those traits.  

As general definition, I tend to say that introversion means that you lose energy during social interactions, while extroverts gain energy from social interactions.  For me, this means that every time I spend the day with friends or family, I need time where I don't have to interact with anyone for a while.  I feel mentally drained, and sometimes physically.  I enjoy social interactions with the people I love, and I even get lonely every once in awhile, craving a social day.  

This whole concept influences my work as well, since I'm a counselor and a behavior therapist.  I spend my work time engaging with people, and I get frustrated if there isn't down time between clients.  When I get home, I want to lay there like a potato and not speak.  I can't neglect my husband when he's home, but I'm inclined to retreat even from him if I get overworked.  It's a fine balancing act, for an introvert...work in a social environment, and sustain healthy relationships, all while maintaining a personal sense of wellness.  I've realized that I don't do well at anything in my life, if I don't balance my time.  It will be different for everyone, but for me, that means an afternoon or a few hours ever other day where I am not required to talk to people, even my husband.  

Finding balance should be a goal for everyone, introvert or extrovert. Maintaining mental wellness is imperative for everyone.  Here's some points I frequently make with parents of my clients:

  • You can't take care of your loved as well as you'd like, or perform in your job as well as you'd like, if you are not taking care of yourself first.  
  • It isn't selfish to need down time or personal time, whatever it may mean to you.  A manicure every month, a coffee or ice cream treat once a week, a daily 15 minutes to listen to music or meditate...figure out what you need to feel good, and do it!  "Treat yo self!"  
  • Know your limits, and learn to say "NO!" to people (in a nice way, of course).  If you know you won't enjoy a social event because you're tired, don't go!   And don't feel bad about it!  

I know these ideas may seem like common sense, but you'd be surprised how many people I talk to that have trouble with these points.  If you feel overwhelmed, keep these ideas in your head going forward, and I guarantee things will start to shift back into balance.